At a Glance: The Answer File Manager
Tool Bar
Properties Pane
Answer File List
After clicking the Answer File Manager button on the toolbar (or Tools menu) in your HotDocs Library the Answer File Manager window opens.
The window is split into two main panes. On the left is the Answer File List, this contains a list of all the answer files you have saved. You can select an answer file from this list by clicking on it.
The second main pane in the Answer File Manager window is the Properties Pane. When you select an answer file from the list the answer file properties are displayed in the Properties Pane. These include the File name, File type, File path and the usage History. To view the contents of the answer file go to Tabs at the top of the Properties Pane and click on the Contents tab. This will display a list of all variables, answers and variable types within the answer file.
To access further options for your selected answer file you can use the Toolbar at the top of the window. It contains the following options:
New Answer File: Displays the New Answer File dialog box where you can specify the type of answer file you want to create as well as provide a file name, title, and description for the file.
Cut: Removes (or cuts) the selected answer file to the Windows Clipboard so you can paste it someplace else in the library.
Copy: Copies the selected answer file to the Windows Clipboard so you can paste it someplace else in the library.
Paste: Pastes any items currently saved on the Windows Clipboard to the location you specify in the library.
Add: Displays the Add Item dialog box where you can add existing answer files or folders to your answer library.
Remove: Removes the selected answer file or folder. When you delete an answer file, you can choose whether to delete just the reference to the file in the library as well as to delete the actual file from disk.
Import: Allows you to locate an answer file and automatically copy it to the default Answers folder. If managing your answer files using Answer File Manager, the file will also be added to the manager.
Sort: Sorts the items in the currently selected folder in the order you have specified.
Answer File Properties: Displays the Item Properties dialog box where you can modify information about the item.
Help: Opens the relevant page of the HotDocs Help File.
To find out more about using Answer File Manager follow the links below: